UCTV Schedule & Live Stream

Friday September 20, 2024

Speakers Mark Moffett, Charles Kennel and Martin Rees discuss humanity's past, present and future of the Anthropocene. Moffett examines the effects of the most aggressive ants on the environment, arguing that certain invasive species resemble humans in their capacity for global conquest and environmental destructiveness. Kennel speaks about the connections between past and present human exploitation of the environment, the coming crisis of the Anthropocene and what we humans can do to alleviate the crisis. Rees explores potential utopian and dystopian futures for humans on Earth.
Primetime Tonight (Pacific)

Schedule for 9/20/2024
12:00 AM CARTA: Lucy’s Contribution: Understanding the Sequence of Steps Leading to Human Uniqueness with Kim Hill
12:30 AM CARTA: How Did Lucy Become a Fossil? Investigating the Life, Death, and Preservation of a Famous Hominin with Anna Behrensmeyer
1:00 AM CARTA: The Evolution of Human Physical Activity - Daniel Lieberman - The Evolution of Walking and Running  
1:30 AM A New Measure: The Revolutionary, Quantum Reform of the Modern Metric System
3:00 AM “Disenchantment of the World” or Fragmentation of the Sacred with Philip Gorski
4:00 AM Debunking Deepfakes: Unmasking Digital Deceptions with Hany Farid
4:30 AM Deep Soul: Twentieth-Century African American Freedom Struggles and the Making of the Modern World with Waldo Martin
6:00 AM Spinal Cord Injury & Plasticity: Breathing After Injury
7:00 AM A Call to Action: Transforming Community-Academic Partnerships to Secure Environmental Justice for All
9:00 AM Earth Chaconne
9:30 AM Getting to Know Refugee Students and Their Families: Advice for Educators
11:00 AM Human Rights in Education
12:00 PM CARTA: Human Origins and Humanity’s Future: Past, Present and Future of the Anthropocene with Mark Moffett, Charles Kennel & Martin Rees
1:00 PM Does Your House Have Lions
2:00 PM Deep Roots - La Jolla Symphony & Chorus
4:00 PM Marine Envenomations
5:00 PM to become the sky: An Evening with Jess X. Snow
6:00 PM Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge
7:30 PM CARTA - Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes - Sixth Mass Extinction, the Tree of Life, and the Future of Humanity with Gerardo Ceballos
8:00 PM to become the sky: An Evening with Jess X. Snow
9:00 PM Water Always Wins: Thriving in an Age of Drought and Deluge
10:30 PM CARTA - Humans: The Planet-Altering Apes - Sixth Mass Extinction, the Tree of Life, and the Future of Humanity with Gerardo Ceballos
11:00 PM Conversation with Photographer Ernie Lowe
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