Work Toward a Happy World - Dalai Lama at UC San Diego Commencement (9/7/2017)
The Value of Education, Ethics and Compassion for the Well-Being of Self and Others - Dalai Lama (8/14/2017)
Embracing the Beauty of Diversity in Our World - His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama (6/27/2017)
UC San Diego Commencement 2017 with The Dalai Lama (6/20/2017)
The Dalai Lama on Science and Climate Change - UCTV Prime Cuts (6/25/2012)
The Dalai Lama on Choosing a Compassionate Lifestyle - UCTV Prime Cuts (6/18/2012)
The Dalai Lama on Wealth and Population Control - UCTV Prime Cuts (6/11/2012)
The Dalai Lama on Democracy in America and India - UCTV Prime Cuts (6/4/2012)
The Global Impact of Climate Change: Balance Through Responsibility, Compassion and Human Consciousness with His Holiness the Dalai Lama (Full Version) (6/1/2012)
Neuroscience and the Emerging Mind: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama on Consciousness and Compassion (5/28/2012)
The Global Impact of Climate Change: Balance Through Responsibility, Compassion and Human Consciousness with His Holiness the Dalai Lama (5/28/2012)
Cultivating Peace and Justice with the Dalai Lama (5/21/2012)
Cultivating Peace and Justice with the Dalai Lama (Full Version) (5/18/2012)
His Holiness XIV Dalai Lama at UC Irvine (9/26/2011)
State of Minds: Poverty, Pain Management, Climate Change, New Medicines - Fall 2009 (10/12/2009)
His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama: Ethics for Our Time (9/21/2009)
His Holiness - The XIV Dalai Lama (5/3/2004)
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