The Affordable Care Act in California: Delivering on the Promise (11/23/2015)
Hobby Lobby and Reproductive Rights in the Affordable Care Act (10/30/2015)
21st Century Cures: A Bipartisan Initiative to Accelerate Medical Breakthroughs - The Chancellor’s Health Policy Lecture Series (3/16/2015)
The Changing Behavioral Health Care Landscape: The Need for Evidence-Based Practice (6/16/2014)
Building the Culture of an Organization in Ten Basic Steps - The Chancellors' Health Policy Lecture Series (6/9/2014)
Health Services Research and AHRQ: Fulfilling John Eisenberg’s Dream - The Eisenberg Legacy Lecture (4/18/2013)
A New Paradigm for Health Care in America (2/13/2013)
A Conversation with Tom Daschle - A New Paradigm for Health Care in America (1/21/2013)
Health Care Reform: Are ACAs and Bundled Payments the New New Things? What Happened to the Old New Things? (9/17/2012)
What Now? Health Reform in the Aftermath of the Supreme Court Decision (9/10/2012)
Comparative Effective Research: Will it Fulfill its Promise? (7/9/2012)
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