Glowies: Crafting with Instamorph (Date: 5/29/2020)
SketchUp (Date: 5/29/2020)
Introduction to Python Programming (Date: 5/28/2020)
Craftronics: Popsicle Stick Flashlight (Date: 5/28/2020)
Tiny Houses: Mini Architecture (Date: 5/25/2020)
Designing Sustainable Energy Systems (Date: 11/13/2019)
Enabling Low Carbon Grids with Cutting-Edge Modeling Tools (Date: 11/4/2019)
Adding Soft to Robotics (Date: 10/31/2019)
Energy Efficient Software Development for the Internet of Things (Date: 10/16/2019)
This Robot Has Some Eerie Similarities to Cockroaches (Date: 8/28/2019)
SALTO - Teaching an Old Robot New Tricks (Date: 8/21/2019)
Neurobot: Robotics Meets Stem Cells (Date: 7/16/2019)
Engineering Sensors That Listen to Brain Cells (Date: 6/19/2019)
Berkeley's Solar Car Zephyr Could Drive Until the Sun Dies (Date: 2/7/2019)
Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab Presents: Robocrafting (Date: 1/10/2019)
Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab Presents: Internet of Things (Date: 1/10/2019)
Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab Presents: Human Circuit (Date: 1/10/2019)
Qualcomm Thinkabit Lab Presents: The Engineering Design Process (Date: 1/9/2019)
Is the Desert the Best Place for Solar? (Date: 10/2/2018)
Haptics: Science and Engineering for the Sense of Touch (Date: 9/18/2018)
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