Welcome and Research Context - Mentoring Faculty in an Inclusive Climate (Date: 5/31/2013)
Democracy and Liberal Education with James O. Freedman (Date: 1/20/2012)
Frank Rhodes (Conversations with History) (Date: 12/16/2011)
American Democracy Veterans and Higher Education (Date: 3/15/2010)
Leadership in Higher Education (Conversations with History) (Date: 2/15/2010)
Donald Kennedy (Conversations with History) (Date: 2/18/2008)
Charles M. Vest (Conversations with History) (Date: 1/9/2006)
Preparing Educational Leaders – The Challenge for California (Date: 9/12/2005)
A Conversation with David Pierpont Gardner (Date: 6/13/2005)
LEADerTrends: Claire Shipman (Date: 10/27/2003)
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