A Discussion on Artificial Intelligence with Kate Crawford (Date: 4/20/2022)
Centering the Environmental Impact of Computing in CS Teaching and Research - Exploring Ethics (Date: 3/29/2022)
Excavating Ground Truth in AI with Kate Crawford (Date: 3/27/2022)
Berkeley Removes Name from Kroeber Hall (Date: 3/9/2022)
Anti-Social Computing: Discussing Challenges for Social Media and Society - Exploring Ethics (Date: 2/10/2022)
Science Collaboration and Innovation Across Traditional Boundaries with Vicki Grassian (Date: 12/28/2021)
LSD and the War on Memories with Joel Dimsdale (Date: 10/29/2021)
Exploring Ethics in Communication and Dis-/Mis-Information and Fake News (Date: 10/27/2021)
How Community-Engaged Research Can Help Address Diversity Equity and Inclusion (Date: 6/18/2021)
Neuroscience and Social Justice: How Separate Journeys Became One - Exploring Ethics (Date: 4/29/2021)
The COVID Vaccine: Debates Distrust and Disparities (Date: 4/9/2021)
Facebook Privacy and Creating Better Tech Policy (Date: 3/5/2021)
Business Ethics and Sustainability: Teaching the Next Generation (Date: 2/11/2021)
When the Drug is Alive: Treating Superbug Infections with Bacteriophage Therapy (Date: 1/13/2021)
Impact Hotel for the Socially Conscious Traveler (Date: 12/16/2020)
Sustainably Stunning Ethically Made: Tamga Designs (Date: 12/16/2020)
Meeting Humanitarian Needs: NeedsList (Date: 12/8/2020)
The Road to Clean Water: Grosche International Inc. (Date: 12/4/2020)
COVID-19 Vaccine Trials - Exploring Ethics (Date: 12/3/2020)
Detecting Bias in a World of Sensational Headlines (Date: 11/24/2020)
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