Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen - Trans Media (Date: 7/31/2017)
Raising Zoey - Trans Media (Date: 7/24/2017)
Tangerine - Trans Media (Date: 7/17/2017)
Transparent - Trans Media (Date: 7/10/2017)
Free CeCe - Trans Media (Date: 7/3/2017)
The Art of Messaging with Anat Shenker-Osorio -- In the Arena with Jonathan Stein (Date: 2/6/2017)
LGBT Trainees Speak Out (Date: 1/30/2017)
Violence and Discrimination in the LGBT Community (Date: 1/23/2017)
Sexual Health During Recovery: Men Women and Transgender People (Date: 5/27/2016)
The Future of Marriage - Up Next: Perspectives on the Future of Everything (Date: 9/28/2015)
Matt Shepard is a Friend of Mine - Focus On: Social Issues (Date: 7/20/2015)
Transparent - TELEtalk (Date: 6/1/2015)
Reducing the Military Budget: Necessary To Improve Our Quality of Life with Barney Frank (Date: 4/27/2015)
Frank Talk: Gay Rights Wall Street and the Federal Reserve with Barney Frank and Alex Gelber (Date: 4/6/2015)
HIV Stigma: Personal Stories from Gay Men and Transgender Women in Peru -- A UCI GHREAT Initiative (Date: 10/15/2013)
David Del Tredici: Bullycide - La Jolla Music Society’s SummerFest (Date: 9/27/2013)
Sex and Punishment: A Conversation with Eric Berkowitz - Legally Speaking (Date: 9/3/2012)
Damned Nations: Ending the Global War Against Women and Children (Date: 4/2/2012)
New Research on LGBT Employment Discrimination (Date: 8/8/2011)
Same Sex Marriage: Past Present and Future (Date: 8/1/2011)
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