Models Of / Models For Integrative and Whole Systems Research (Date: 12/15/2017)
Dirt is Good with Rob Knight -- An Author Talk on The Library Channel (Date: 11/27/2017)
Yoga as Therapy with Erik Groessl and Paul J. Mills (Date: 9/21/2017)
The Appeal of Osteopathic Medicine with Hollis King DO; Michael Kurisu DO; and Paul J. Mills (Date: 9/7/2017)
Comprehensive Cancer Care: Integrative Oncology with Daniel Vicario MD and Paul J. Mills (Date: 5/22/2017)
Non-Duality and the Nature of Experience with Rupert Spira and Paul J. Mills (Date: 1/2/2017)
Technology and Wellness - Sages and Scientists 2016 (Date: 12/13/2016)
Integrative Studies and Open Access with Ryan Castle -- Sages and Scientists 2016 (Date: 11/25/2016)
The Atlas of Emotions with Dr. Paul Ekman and Dr. Eve Ekman (Date: 11/3/2016)
Maximizing Human Potential Through Brain Health with Jonathan Rosand MD (Date: 10/24/2016)
Wellbeing -- Health Microbiome Biofield -- Sages and Scientists Symposium 2016 (Date: 10/17/2016)
Genetics Epigenetics and Neuroscience Sages and Scientists Symposium 2016 (Date: 10/10/2016)
Creativity and Infinite Possibility with Leonard Mlodinow and Guests -- Sages and Scientists 2016 (Date: 10/3/2016)
Tea or Coffee? (Date: 9/23/2016)
Transforming the Experience of Pediatric Chronic Illness through Mind-Body Medicine (Date: 9/19/2016)
What Fat is Bad Fat? (Date: 9/16/2016)
The Creatures In Your Stomach (Date: 9/16/2016)
Transforming Stress into Meaning at Work (Date: 9/12/2016)
Mindfulness Skills for Childbirth and Parenting (Date: 9/5/2016)
How Meditation Impacts the Brain and Implications for Health (Date: 8/29/2016)
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