How the Media Portrays Fortune 500 Women CEOs (Date: 3/21/2019)
Women in Politics with Jennifer Granholm Sarah Anzia and Charlotte Hill (Date: 1/29/2019)
The Challenges of Being Both a Scientist and a Mom (Date: 11/7/2018)
Sally Ride Forever Stamp Dedication Ceremony (Date: 6/1/2018)
Women In Leadership: Opening Remarks (Date: 6/1/2018)
The Surprising Road to Women's Suffrage (Date: 4/9/2018)
Raising Awareness of Human Trafficking (Date: 3/12/2018)
Tempestad Director Tatiana Huezo (Date: 3/5/2018)
What is Sally Ride Science at UC San Diego? (Date: 3/5/2018)
Golda Meir Through a Feminist Lens (Date: 2/13/2018)
Stronger Together: Women Waging Peace - The Peace exChange at the University of San Diego (Date: 1/1/2018)
Don't Ask Don't Tell Really Is History! (Date: 10/6/2017)
Accepting Sally Ride’s Medal of Freedom from President Obama (Date: 10/6/2017)
On the Nature of Domestic Violence (Date: 8/4/2017)
Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen - Trans Media (Date: 7/31/2017)
Raising Zoey - Trans Media (Date: 7/24/2017)
Tangerine - Trans Media (Date: 7/17/2017)
Transparent - Trans Media (Date: 7/10/2017)
Free CeCe - Trans Media (Date: 7/3/2017)
Finding and Helping Battered Women (Date: 6/27/2017)
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