Capital Punishment: Influence of Race and Ethnicity (Date: 3/27/2019)
An Evening with Nnedi Okorafor - Writer's Symposium by the Sea 2019 (Date: 3/26/2019)
Black Power Jewish Politics: Reinventing the Alliance in the 1960s (Date: 2/27/2019)
Peter Biggs - Former Slave to Pioneering African American Entrepreneur in 19th Century Los Angeles (Date: 2/14/2019)
Moms Mabley with Bambi Haggins - Women in Comedy (Date: 7/3/2018)
Building Beloved Community - Traci Blackmon - Burke Lectureship on Religion and Society (Date: 5/23/2018)
Get Out - Script to Screen (Date: 4/3/2018)
An Evening with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar -- 2018 Writer's Symposium By The Sea (Date: 4/2/2018)
Charles Mingus and Tijuana Moods - Helen Edison Lecture Series (Date: 2/12/2018)
Still Black: A Portrait of Black Transmen - Trans Media (Date: 7/31/2017)
Hidden Figures - Script to Screen (Date: 3/13/2017)
Thomas Jefferson and the Burden of Slavery with Annette Gordon-Reed - Conversations with History (Date: 11/14/2016)
An Evening with Nikki Giovanni -- Point Loma Writer’s Symposium by the Sea 2016 (Date: 4/19/2016)
Post-Racial Blues: Religion and the 21st Century Color Line with J. Kameron Carter (Date: 12/15/2015)
The Road Forward: The Future of Black Education in the 21st Century (Date: 7/6/2015)
Tomorrow’s Leaders: Building on the Legacy of Selma with Myrlie Evers-Williams (Date: 6/1/2015)
Harlem Hellfighters: Jazz Goes to War - Lytle Memorial Concert (Date: 5/22/2015)
Gerald Horne: Counter-Revolution of 1776: Slave Resistance and the Origins of the USA (Date: 4/20/2015)
James L. Avery - A Celebration of an Artist’s Life (Date: 4/11/2014)
Free Angela and All Political Prisoners (Date: 1/13/2014)
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