Parent-implemented Language Intervention Using Distance Video-teleconferencing (Date: 12/11/2013)
Targeted Treatments in Fragile X and Autism (Date: 12/4/2013)
When One Twin Has Autism (Date: 9/2/2013)
Evidence Update for Pharmacologic and Biomedical Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorders (Date: 7/22/2013)
A Common Thread in Risks for Learning Disabilities and Learning English as a Second Language? (Date: 7/15/2013)
The Past Present and Future of the UC Davis MIND Institute (Date: 7/8/2013)
UC Davis Newswatch: Brain Endowment (Date: 5/27/2013)
Brain Endowment for Autism Research Sciences (BEARS) (Date: 4/16/2013)
iPads as Assistive Technology Tools (Date: 4/15/2013)
Nutrition and Neurodevelopment: Importance and Potential Mechanisms (Date: 1/31/2013)
Coming of Age in the Healthcare System: Confidentiality Capacity and Consent (Date: 1/24/2013)
California Early Start and Prevention Services: Promoting Healthy Development for all Children (Date: 1/17/2013)
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC): Evidence-based Principles and Practice (Date: 1/10/2013)
Closing the Inequity Gap: Innovative Approaches to Reach Marginalized Communities (Date: 1/4/2013)
Human Sexuality Education for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities: Who When What Why and How (Date: 1/4/2013)
Social Learning: Implications for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (Date: 1/4/2013)
Developmental Delay and Copy Number Variation (Date: 1/4/2013)
Whole-genome Testing and the Possibility of Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders (Date: 1/4/2013)
State of Minds: Fall 2010 (Date: 10/11/2010)
UCSD at 50: Community Well-being Autism Scripps (Date: 9/13/2010)
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