Nadia Polikarpova: Creating New Languages for Programming

1/2/2019; 3 minutes

2020 Sloan Research Fellow Nadia Polikarpova is an assistant professor at CSE, and a member of the Programming Systems group. She received her PhD. in computer science from ETH Zurich in 2014. She then spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Polikarpova's work spans the areas of programming languages and formal methods; in particular, she is interested in building practical tools and techniques that make it easier for programmers to construct secure and reliable software. Her agenda is to exploit the growing power of automated logical reasoning to build next-generation programming languages, in which the programmer simply states high-level system requirements---such as safety, security, or performance criteria---and the language infrastructure takes on the error-prone task of enforcing these requirements. (#33420)

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