Chancellors Forum: UC Carbon and Climate Neutrality Summit (1/11/2016)
Can South Africa Liberate Itself from Post-Apartheid Politics of Legacy Capture? (12/28/2015)
Confessions of a Motion Addict - Stephen Petronio (11/10/2014)
Welcome and Research Context for the Day (10/3/2014)
Global Health: The Challenge Before Us with Janet Napolitano - UC Global Health Day 2014 (7/8/2014)
How Breakthroughs Happen - UC Global Health Day 2014 (6/9/2014)
The University of California: Past, Present and Future (3/3/2014)
UC Research and Data on Faculty Review and Advancement (12/23/2013)
Welcome and Research Context for the Day (11/22/2013)
Innovations and Implementation: A California Perspective on How to Launch New Ideas and New Movements to Address the Food Challenge (10/14/2013)
Liberty and Learning (8/12/2013)
The Gospel of Mary Magdalene (7/22/2013)
Farming in the 21st Century: A Woman's Perspective from South Africa (4/15/2013)
Public Universities at a Time of Austerity and Crisis: Some Lessons from Greece (3/11/2013)
Science and Engineering Research in the Globalized World with Subra Suresh (2/11/2013)
The Humanities, Without Apology (2/4/2013)
Quantum Cascade Lasers: From Lab Curiosity to Tools (Or How to Convert Ideas into Products) with Kumar Patel (2/4/2013)
Public Service - A Great Career with Michael Dukakis (4/9/2012)
Climate Change: Human Causes and Responses (3/5/2012)
Now You See It: Attention and the Future of Learning with Cathy Davidson (2/20/2012)
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