Célula-tronco: Conceitos avançados
Especialistas trazem a você explorações aprofundadas de pesquisas com células-tronco. (Apenas em inglês)
Inícios no Cérebro: Ondas Oscilatórias Complexas Emergentes do Modelo de Organoides Corticais Inícios no Cérebro
Uma visão detalhada de um estudo conduzido pelo laboratório Alysson Muotri no Programa de Células-Tronco da UC San Diego, que encontrou o desenvolvimento de sinalização de redes complexas em organoides corticais humanos que parecem recapitular o desenvolvimento do cérebro fetal, oferecendo um modelo in vitro para estudar o desenvolvimento funcional de redes neuronais humanas.
Principios en el Cerebro: Ondas Oscilatorias Complejas que Emergen del Modelo de Organoides Corticales Desarrollo Temprano de la Red del Cerebro Humano (Subtítulos en español)
Una descripción detallada de un estudio realizado por el laboratorio de Alysson Muotri en el Programa de Células Madre de la Universidad de California en San Diego que encontró un desarrollo complejo de señalización de red en organoides corticales humanos que parecen recapitular el desarrollo del cerebro fetal, ofreciendo un modelo in vitro para estudiar el desarrollo funcional de las redes neuronales humanas.
Beginnings in the Brain: Complex Oscillatory Waves Emerging from Cortical Organoids Model Early Human Brain Network Development
A detailed overview of a study conducted by Alysson Muotri's lab at the UC San Diego Stem Cell Program which found complex network signaling developing in human cortical organoids that appear to recapitulate fetal brain development, offering an in-vitro model to study functional development of human neuronal networks.
Mouse and Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Models of Autism Associated with Early Brain Overgrowth
Tony Wynshaw-Boris, MD, PhD describes his lab's efforts to use mouse and IPSC models to find commonalities that give insight into the complex disorder of autism.
Gene Edited Cells: Next Generation of Cancer Therapeutics
Khalid Shah, MS, PhD discusses translating biological therapies into clinical care.
Is Most of Your DNA Junk?
Alysson Muotri and top geneticists Rusty Gage and Miles Wilkinson explore the fact that ninety-nine percent of human DNA doesn't code for anything used by the human body.
California's Alpha Clinics: Bringing Science to the Clinic, Creating Cures for You
Alysson Muotri and Catriona Jamieson discuss how cutting-edge stem-cell-based cures will reach patients through California's network of Alpha Clinics.
The Piwi-piRNA Pathway: A New Paradigm of Gene Regulation with Haifan Lin
Professor at Yale University and the founding director of the Yale Stem Cell Center Haifan Lin talks about how the discoveries of small non-coding RNAs, including PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs), have significantly expanded the RNA world.
Development of Therapeutic Approaches for Muscle Disease Using Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
April Pyle, Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Molecular Genetics at UCLA, uses multi-disciplinary approaches to study human pluripotent stem cell biology and differentiation of these cells for use in regenerative medicine. She studies both basic aspects of stem cell biology as well as more translational aspects of human pluripotent stem cell differentiation towards skeletal muscle for use in therapeutic approaches for patients with muscular dystrophy.
Getting to the Heart of Cell Fate Control
Laurie A. Boyer, PhD, Associate Professor of Biology and Biological Engineering at MIT, discusses her work studying cell fate and cardiac regeneration. She shares how her lab is dissecting the gene regulatory mechanisms that control lineage commitment during heart development and congenital heart defects and applying this knowledge toward engineering cardiac tissues.
TBR1 and AUTS2: Sequential Regulators of Gene Expression in Cortical Development with Overlapping Neurodevelopmental Syndromes
TBR1 and AUTS2, the development of the cerebral cortex, and developmental transcription factors.
Progenitor Cell-Based Modeling and Treatment of Glial Disease
Steven A. Goldman, MD, PhD discusses cell genesis and neural regeneration in the adult brain, with a focus on the use of neural stem and progenitor cells in treating demyelinating and neurodegenerative diseases. Recorded on 05/10/2018.
Reconstruindo o cérebro em uma placa de Petri: ocorrência de neuroinflamação causada por retrotransposons- Reconstructing the Brain in a Dish: Emergence of Neuroinflammation from Retrotransposons (Portuguese Translation)
Pesquisadores do programa de células-tronco da Universidade da Califórnia em San Diego usaram uma doença rara, a Síndrome de Aicardi Goutieres (AGS), para investigar os mecanismos fundamentais do cérebro. Usando organóides corticais, ou cérebros, em um disco, eles monitoraram o neurodesenvolvimento enquanto descobriram novas informações sobre a correlação entre retrotransposão e...
Reconstrucción cerebral en laboratorio: surgimiento de la neuroinflamación de retrotransposones - Reconstructing the Brain in a Dish: Emergence of Neuroinflammation from Retrotransposons (Subtítulos en español)
Investigadores en el Programa de Células Madre en UC San Diego han utilizado un raro desorden, Aicardi Goutieres (AGS), para explorar mecanismos fundamentales del cerebro. Utilizando organoides corticales, o cerebros en una placa, han seguido el neurodesarrollo a medida que encontraban nueva información sobre la relación entre los retrotransposones y la neuroinflamación.

Reconstructing the Brain in a Dish: Emergence of Neuroinflammation from Retrotransposons
Researchers at the UC San Diego Stem Cell Program have used a rare disorder, Aicardi Goutieres (AGS), to explore fundamental brain mechanisms.
By utilizing cortical organoids, or brains in a dish, they have tracked neurodevelopment while discovering new information about the relationship between retrotransposons and neuroinflammation.

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