Demystifying VLSI Technology: Exploring Its Future Possibilities

5/30/2023; 71 minutos

Very large-scale integration technology (VLSI) is the magic that helps us cram a huge amount of electronic components onto a tiny microchip, enabling the creation of smaller and more powerful electronic devices that we use in our daily lives. VLSI technology is a continually evolving field, and new advancements and innovations continue to be made by researchers and engineers worldwide. Carver Mead, the 2022 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology is widely regarded as one of the pioneers of modern microelectronics having made significant contributions to the field of VLSI technology and semiconductor devices. Mead is joined by John Smee and Sanjay Jha for a roundtable discussion hosted by UC San Diego professor Andrew Kahng to demystify the technology and explore future possibilities for VLSI. (#38823)

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