The Journey of the Little Blue Penguins (7/4/2022)
Triton Talks: Solving Our Plastic Problem With Algae (6/6/2022)
Sea Urchins and Sea Slugs (6/3/2022)
The Mysterious Pacific Footballfish (4/29/2022)
CARTA: Human Origins and Humanity’s Future: Past, Present and Future of the Anthropocene on The Oceans and the Anthropocene with Nancy Knowlton (3/28/2022)
Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (7/28/2021)
Research for Resilience on a Changing Planet - Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (6/27/2021)
Biological Impacts of Oxygen Loss in the Ocean: The Blinding Truth (12/20/2020)
Our Warming Ocean (8/24/2020)
Oceans Out of Breath: Oxygen Minimum Zones in a Warming Climate (7/28/2020)
The Red Tide of 2020 (6/29/2020)
Do We Really Understand Why Whales Sing? (5/4/2020)
Squid Pro Quo - A Journey Into Undersea Exploration (3/31/2020)
Shark Geek: A Window into Shark Ecology in the Southern California Bight (3/1/2020)
How Do We Know Humans are Impacting the Health of Our Planet? - Exploring Ethics (1/27/2020)
Exploring the Earth Under the Sea: Over 50 Years of Scientific Seafloor Drilling (12/30/2019)
Biomimicry: Innovating Using Nature’s Toolbox (11/22/2019)
Technology: Friend or Foe for the Future of our Oceans (10/4/2019)
Marine Science Looks to the (Sea) Stars - UCTV Prime Cuts (9/5/2019)
Marine Natural Products: From Sea to Pharmacy (9/5/2019)
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